Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Concrete Saw versus Diamond Saw

Saws in general are a tool used to cut through shallow as well as concrete objects. There are many kinds of saws and these saws could be categorized as diamond saw, concrete saw, laser saw and steel saw.


The main factors or pre requirements for any saw would be its cutting efficiency, service life and the inherent processing quality.

This is normally expressed as the ability of the saw with which it could cut through any abrasive material in a unit time. It also depends upon the sharpness of the blade and the way it is sharp directly corresponds to the way it effectively cuts through the tiles or masonry stuff. The speed with which the blade is operated also is affected when an improper blade it fixed with the saw.

In general as the rule of the thumb the operator who uses these power tools in reconstruction sites or road construction sites should never force the blade through the rough or rigid concrete to clear the pathways. It might cause heating up of the saw's engine and the blade of the proper size/sharpness should be fixed to ensure maximum performance.


Usually unlike the diamond saw the concrete saw should be used for wet cutting purposes but that too when adequate amount of cooled water is poured over the entire concrete then only the saw machine should be started to cut through the shallow concrete. Unlike wet cutting where in water is used as the coolant ingredient the dry cutting uses the cool air to enable performance of the diamond imbibed blades.

Any saw needs a good service life which could be attained only when the blade is fixed with finer or more concrete diamonds attached to its rims. The processing quality of the material refers to the way the resultant product is cut off. The performance of each saw and the influence played by both the blade's apt usage and the operator's experience is noteworthy for the clearance or erection of concrete pathways or road ways for future usage.

In case you have got your own saw then you need to wear at least the professional respirator in both dry as well as wet cutting. This is to prevent the entry of fine dust particles which might enter the lungs and cause lung cancer or other respiratory disorders.

If a very huge area needs to be leveled or reshaped then also use the protective clothing/ ear plugs to protect your body. Lastly if possible you can hire a professional company for the cutting purposes instead of trying your hand in to things which could turn fatal if improperly used.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative post! I really want to need this kind of information. Diamond Saw Blades production has improved tremendously. There are many factors to consider when looking at the price of a diamond blade, including the plate and diamond quality, the amount of diamond used, and the cost to service the tool. Thanks for share this incredible blog!
